The icy waters surrounding Alaska’s 34,000 mile coastline
host the most abundant and healthy seafood stocks in the world. This natural,
pristine habitat hosts seafood with a lean, firm texture and superior flavor.
Although Alaska is, by far, the largest state in the union, it has a
population less than an average U.S. city. Owing to this small population
and its remote location, Alaska hosts the cleanest and most natural marine
environment of its size on earth. This environment ensures Alaska Seafood
has superior flavor and texture. Pure, natural seafood as nature intended.
Curiously, the quality of Alaska Seafood is also determined by what
it doesn’t contain. Alaska’s marine habitats are nearly pollution-free
compared to the rest of the world. Feeding on organic marine organisms,
Alaska Seafood is additive-free and provides healthful, natural vitamins,
minerals, nutrients and heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats.
The State of Alaska recognizes seafood as a precious natural resource,
and the seafood industry as a vital component of the state’s economy. Therefore,
Alaska leads the nation in resource management, quality control and conservation
to ensure that Alaska Seafood remains the world’s finest for future generations.
Seafood Marketing Institute
Not only is wild Alaska salmon great for your health, but it is free
from colorings, additives, antibiotics and hormones. Being all-natural
as mother nature intended also means it's non-gmo.