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Health Benefits of

Wild Alaskan Salmon

Savor the Finest,
for your health and the environment,
as Mother-nature intended.

Wild Alaska salmon has numerous fantastic health benefits.  Conventional wisdom says that a healthy diet is one that is low in fat and - invariably - short on flavor. We beg to differ. And so do millions of connoisseurs of Alaska salmon the world over.

You can study reams of nutritional research. Or, simply observe the extraordinary health and longevity of people in countries where seafood is a mainstay of the diet. Either way, the health benefits of Alaska salmon are clear.

Alaska Sockeye salmon has the highest level Omega 3 oils of any fish.    In addition to what scientists have known for years about Omega 3's heart-healthy benefits, current research is uncovering a host of new preventive and curative Omega 3 attributes. 


Science has discovered that the type of dietary fat (monosaturated, saturated, polyunsaturated) we consume alters the production of an important group of biological compounds known as eicosanoids. These compounds affect blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammation, immune function and coronary spasms.

Omega 3 oils produce a series of eicosanoids that have been shown to decrease the risk for heart disease, inflammatory processes and certain cancers. Omega 3 provide additional heart-healthy benefits by:

-Decreasing blood lipids (cholesterol, LDL's, and triglycerides)

-Decreasing blood clotting factors

-Increasing beneficial relaxation in larger arteries and blood vessels

-Decreasing inflammatory processes in blood vessels

Many modern diets aren't high enough in omega 3 oils to realize optimum health benefits. However, simply including seafood in the diet two to four times a week, most people can improve their health. Alaska Salmon is one of the cold water seafoods particularly high in these "good fats." 

Sockeye salmon has the highest amount of omega 3 of any fish: about 2.7 grams per 100 gram portion. Just one serving of Alaska Salmon can lower your cholesterol and risk of heart disease.

These Omega 3 oils have also been linked to improvements in or prevention of certain kinds of cancer, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, arthritis, asthma, certain kinds of mental illness, depression and lupus erythematosus.


Naturally high in many essential vitamins, Alaska Seafood contains vitamins E, C, D and A. Some varieties are very high in antioxidant E, which has proven to strengthen the immune system, and lower the risk of heart disease by reducing buildup of plaque in coronary arteries. Current studies reveal possible protection against cancer and the formation of cataracts. Some species also have vitamin C (another antioxidant), vitamin D, and vitamin A is also found in many seafoods. Alaska Seafood also contains a wide variety of minerals (including zinc, iron, calcium, selenium).

Natural Alaska Salmon is an excellent source of high quality protein, and contains predominantly healthy unsaturated fats.

Serving size: 3oz. (85 grams) BCooked, Edible Portion

                                              King   Sockeye   Silver   Pink   Keta
Calories                                   200       180       160     130    130 
Protein (g)                                 21         23         23       22      22 
Fat (g)                                     11.5         9           7         4        4 
Carbohydrate (g)                         0          0           0         0        0 
Sodium (mg)                              50         50         50       75      50 
Potassium (mg)                        360        410       470     350    450 
Cholesterol (mg)                       70           60       40        55      80 

Note: Nutritional value for salmon will vary 1-2% in protein and fat content from these average values, depending upon the maturity of the fish.

For more information on the benefits of Wild Alaska Salmon see