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Savor the Finest
for your health and the environment,
as Mother-nature intended.

In order to maintain perfect freshness and prevent bruising and handling, our salmon are seine caught by a fishing cooperative called the Chignik Seafood Producer’s Alliance.  Our fish are all kept live until they are ready for processing.  After a fisherman catches his fish they are delicately pumped directly from his net into a delivery boat which transports them to our live net holding pen attached to the side of our floating processor.
This live net holding pen is tied alongside the Wild Salmon or New West, (as pictured to the left) our own processing boats right on the fishing grounds. These salmon swim free until we are ready to process them, when we take this fish out of the pen and immediately bleed and process them.  We carefully handle each fish, selecting only the finest for our filleting process.  Working with the cooperative and receiving daily deliveries of live fish allows us to always have perfectly fresh fish to process, putting our quality miles ahead of conventional processing methods.

After being bled and carefully selected these fresh pre-rigor Alaska salmon are immediately cut into boneless fillets using a new patented machine from TBRS Technology. This exclusive technology makes a precision cut to the fish that eliminates bones. This is the only method in the world that removes pin bones from fresh, just caught, fish.  This whole operation takes place on our boat at sea, assuring you unbeatable quality.

To lock in that just-caught fresh quality, our salmon fillets are immediately sealed in special polypropylene/nylon bags.  The fillets are then fed into a blast freezer and quick-frozen to ensure superior texture and flavor.  In summary, we take live fish and turn them into frozen, boneless fillets in about 5 minutes, there is nothing as fresh as frozen at sea! These bags will seal in that freshness for years when kept frozen.   Our process assures you that every Alaska Fisherman’s Catch fillet is fresher than so-called “fresh” salmon will be at least days (or weeks) old before it reaches the market.